Love Your Enemies (Video)
- 2340
Movie Name - The War (Starring Kevin Costner & Elijah Wood)
Description - After his son gets beat up by some unruly kids, Stephen gives cotton candy to the bullies. When Stu objects, Stephen explains that "It look like they haven't been given nothing in a long time."
Begin Clip @ - 00:58:11
End Clip @ - 01:00:56
Verses - Matthew 5:43; Luke 6:27; Proverbs 25:21-22; Colossians 1:21-23
Questions - How hard do you think it was for that father to give that cotton candy to his son's enemies? What would you have done? What did the father show by doing what he did? How do you think the kids felt after that? Can you imagine how God must have felt to give over Jesus to die for sinners like us?