Identity in Christ (Movie Clip)
- 2205
Movie: Hook
Synopsis: The lost boys help Peter Panning (Robin Williams) remember who he really is, Peter Pan. When Peter does remember who he is, it's because of his son.
Corresponding Verses: Genesis 1:26-27; Colossians 3:9-10; Psalm 100:3; Acts 17:29-29
Begin Scene: In his frustration in trying to fly, Peter discovers the old house that he had built.
End Scene: Peter Pan remembers and arrives back at Tinkerbell's house.
Questions: What kinds of things keep us from seeing that we're God's children? How can peer pressure and the media cloud our vision in that regard? What was the revelation that enabled Peter to remember everything? What comparisions can we make between "the son" in this clip and the Son of God?