I don't believe it (Movie Clip)
- 2320
Movie/Video Name - The Empire Strikes Back
Description - Luke Skywalker is training to become a Jedi but struggles in his faith in the force. Yoda shows him what he could have. In response to Luke saying he didn't believe what he just saw, Yoda tells him that is why he fails. (If applicable)
Begin Clip @ - 01:08;09
End Clip @ - 01:13:20
Verses - 2 Chronicles 20:20; Matthew 8:8-10; Matthew 9:22; Matthew 9:28-29; Matthew 21:21; Luke 7:50
Questions - Could God make the same statement to us in regards to our faith? Why do you think our faith isn't stronger? What can we do about it? How do we know we can trust our friends? Family? God?