Name that Tag (Game)
- 2419
Topical Categories - Identity
Description - Get some sticky nametags from Walmart (You know, the ones that say "Hello, my name is") and put a name on each one. The names need to be real and fictional people. You will want to have enough for everyone to have a nametag. Attach the nametag to a person's back and tell them that their job is to discover whose name is on their back.
Rule #1 - They can only ask "Yes" or "No" questions; for instance, Am I a man?, Am I famous?. etc.
Rule #2 - They cannot ask a question of the same person twice.
Verses - Ephesians 5:8b, 10; 1 Peter 4:16; Acts 11:26
Questions - What are some labels that people put on others? How can labels and names affect us? What does the name "Christian" mean to you? How does it affect you?