Eye Sah Yuuh (Game)
- 2531
Gather the group into a circle to show them the three basic moves and commands. They are as follows:
- "EYE" (Pronounced "I" like the body part) - This is said loudly while flattening your hand out and pointing your entire arm directly to your choice of the left or right (this will be explained later). Your forearm should be against your chest.
- "SAH" (Pronounced "saw" like the hand tool) - This is said loudly while arching your arm over your head like a ballerina to the right or the left. (again, this will be explained below).
- "YUUH" (Prounounced "ya") - This is said loudly while putting your palms together and then thrusting your arms in a direction in front of you (pointing at someone else in the group).
The object is to have a fast pace game similar to "hot potato" without the potato. It begins by someone saying "EYE" and with their arm pointing to the right or the left. For example, let's say that he points left. The person on his direct left must react with "SAH" and arch her arm over her head to the right or left (for example, they go right). The person on the right (this time is the original guy who said "EYE") now reacts with "YUUH" and points to someone else in the group. The person who was pointed to begins anew with "EYE".
This continues until someone does not react with the correct words, motion, or is too slow in reacting. When this happens, they are out until you start over.